Minggu, 19 Oktober 2008


I finally saw it - the George W. Bush movie - and I lived to tell the tale. And to be perfectly frank, it's not anywhere near the trainwreck I thought it would be. Maybe that's because Oliver Stone, FOR ONCE, doesn't take a ridiculous slant to this project (as opposed to JFK), and even then, it STILL comes across as a factual Greek tragedy. Obviously a film about such a controversial (and very much alive) figure such as Bush is bound to sharply divide audiences, but even then, there's still going to be some middle ground; some gray area. This is where I fall. Though it's hard not to feel strangely....moved? touched? affected? by certain moments (especially in the latter half), there's something mildly squirm inducing about this film - I almost feel guilty for seeing it, and I have no idea why (I'm not exaggerating, I'm starting to feel slightly nauseous). It's not like this is a shamless celebration of Bush, nor is it an over the top bashing fest, yet the fact that most of the events in the film are either true or structured around generalized truths makes it somewhat odd to behold. All in all, it's probably too little too soon, but even so, it is an interesting piece. {I'll probably edit in more stuff, but I can bearly concentrate right now}

Grade: B-

Nominations: None

Number of 2008 films seen: 37

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