Minggu, 18 Januari 2009

"Wolverine" heads for re-shoots

There's only room for one man's scruff in this town....

Source: collider.com

Written by Matt Goldberg

UPDATE: Since the publication of this story, two things have happened. 1) More people have come out to tell us that it is 100% correct; 2) Hugh Jackman has sent an e-mail to Harry over at AintItCool echoing Fox's comments to us about these re-shoots always being planned and to deal with certain weather conditions. While we're sticking with our story, we wish Fox and Mr. Jackman all the best. We love the character of Wolverine and think that the first two "X-Men" movies are a blast. We want "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" to be terrific, whatever the weather may be.

Sources have informed us that Fox is conducting extensive re-shoots for "X-Men Origins: Wolverine", some or all of those re-shoots in Vancouver. And by "extensive" we're not talking about a few days of pick-ups. More curious was the studio considered bringing in a few journalists to cover these re-shoots. Now usually re-shoots such as this are done quietly. Studios don't want you to know they done fucked up and can't get their shit together in the editing room.

As for the production, everyone (and by "everyone", I mean the world of online film journalists) knows that Gavin Hood was not getting to make the movie he wanted while on set. There have been reports of Fox basically going around Hood and micro-managing like they always do. Example: some sets were re-painted because it's what the execs wanted, not what Hood wanted.

There have also been many leaked reports that Richard Donner was on the set in some capacity while they were filming. Some in the online world have speculated that Mr. Donner was doing more than just standing around, casting long, adoring gazes at Taylor Kitsch (although he can hardly be faulted if that was the case). We can neither confirm nor substantiate these claims about Donner since we weren't there and we don't know. But with Gavin Hood helming the re-shoots, Fox and Hood must have come to an understanding and are clearly trying to salvage one of the summer tent-poles of 2009. Let's hope that Fox is spending all this money to finally give fans the movie that they've been clamoring for.

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